What better time - while confined to ISO - to 'pivot' by rebranding?
The change in company name strengthens the company brand in the creative space.
The new logo creates the basis for the colour treatment of this website.
Wix.com actually has a tool to extract a colour pallet from an uploaded logo.
The old website content has been tweaked, and the blogging feature added.
In the six years since the original site went live, the requirement to drive traffic via content has significantly increased, via social media sites such as Linked In. For now, let's focus on the logo redesign.
It's fair to say that it's expected a company focusing on UI and UX to have a shiny, flash looking logo and company branding.
The rationale for the existing 'cog' logo was a connection to cycling, where the term 'cadence' is used for the speed in which the pedals are turned, for best productivity. The cog is also the icon for 'settings' in software.
The drop shadow of the 'cog' actually created a feeling of blurring of the edges of the element. The cog was also too big, and overshadowed the company name.
The colour pallet for the new logo was a considered design decision.
The first stage of the process is to allow elements to co-exist without the advent of colour. In the mono version of the logo, only the UX has been given a heavier weighted font.
The existing blue of the old logo was inspired by FaceBook and other sites of that time.
Red demands attention. Red is Lucky. Red cars are faster.
The grey for the 'cadence' text is middle grey. This grey works on either a white or black background. Let's see how long 'dark mode' is in fashion.
This third comparison shows the subtle adjustment to the weight of the font used for 'UX'.
This also allows the weight of the icon and text to bring the two elements together as one.
The creative goal is to only apply one treatment to an element, to allow it to 'stand out' without over powering the other elements.
This fourth comparison shows a reduction in the circle, the final subtle adjustment.
There's also a creative technique which questions each treatment, to stripe back any treatment that can't justify it's existence. Less is more.
The creative process has always been 'agile', the trick is knowing when to stop.
The icon is no longer a defined 'cog', now a non-descriptive element. This icon can be interpreted as the sun or moon, or an O for the Oracle.
The O has also been added to client solutions, as the element for the master navigation, rather than an expected 'hamburger' - which is the subject of a future blog post on the pros and cons of hamburgers and the requirement for a user to discover navigation options.